Monday, November 25, 2013

Pearl Value Essay

The Value of "Capturing the Moment" to "In the Moment"
What are some things that are valued? Is it family? Or simply a piece of toast in the morning? We all have different things in life that we value more than another.
Something that I value in my life is my camera. I use it everyday and just could spend endless time taking pictures of anything and anything. it is just something that I enjoy very much. I have a canon camera
and although i do not know very much about how to properly work them, I am learning more everyday. Everytime that I learn something new it just gives me the more reason to go out and use it more and accurately. The pictures I take just get better and better each time I take a new one it seems. there are timeless moments when I am just doing something and there is a perfect moment where it is literally “picture perfect”.
My camera is indeed something that I value, but I can put a price on it and be able to sell it. Though something that is a bit more special and I cannot put a price tag on to me is a sunset at the beach in Cape Cod. I go to Cape Cod a good 5-6 times a year usually to visit my grandparents who live there usually for
holidays and just to visit here and there. When we go we always do a bunch of fun stuff, but the thing that I look forward to most is watching the sunset on the beach. I think that it is one of the most beautiful things to see and I just get a feeling of serenity and peace while watching it. To me, there is no other perfect moment such as this one. The wind gently blowing, the waves are crashing, the smell of the salt water, the feel of the soft sand, everything is just beautiful.
In some way, I can relate these two things together because they are both something that I cherish and value a lot. I always look forward to going to the beach once I get in cape cod, just like I look forward to pulling out my camera once I get home from school. As for visually, I can say they are alike because I both get to look at them. I get to look at all of the beautiful pictures/moments that I captured on camera and I get to look at the beautiful sunset on the beach.
Although they are alike in some ways, they also differ from each other in some major ways. In one way that they are different is their physical presence. My camera is physically there and I can touch and feel and hold it while the sunset I can only watch.  Another difference is the sunset only lasts for a tiny amount of time while when you take a picture it can last all of your life it until you decide to delete it. It is a nice thing to be able to look at old pictures and remember that moment, but there is just nothing that can compare than being in that moment itself.
In my opinion something has value when it can cost a lot of money or it is something that cannot be replaced. I value a lot of things in my life but a couple that stand more than another are the things that cannot be replaced or happen again. Sometimes there are those moments where the moment is just perfect and there is no other moment that you will experience like it. Some people may say that their definition of value is how much something costs and something that you are able to put a price on, but to me it is something you can't put a price on. It is "priceless".


  1. The author states how she values her Canon camera because she can spend an endless amount of time taking pictures of timeless moments in her life. Another thing she enjoys actually is a timeless moment which is watching a beautiful sunset on a beach in cape cod. One part of her essay that i remember is when she said every time she learns something new about her camera it gives her more the reason to go out and use it more. I like that part because its true with a lot of things you do; if you like it then you should try to be the best you can be at it. i think this essays strength is the way the author describes her favorite item and her favorite moments like they are equals ,she told the reader how important each one was to her. I think this essay was fantastic but i would suggest trying to make the last paragraph more deep. Like really trying to explain what value means not only to herself but how she thinks it means to others.

  2. In her essay Kayleigh is describing how she values both her Canon camera and watching the sunset on the beach in Cape Cod.While read her essay felt she described more about the sunset especially when she starts describing the gentle breeze, salt water air, crashing waves, and the soft sand on the beach. when she was describing this she really made the reader create an image in their head of what she thinks is the most beautiful sight. I think the strongest part of Kayleigh's essay was when she described the sunset and her camera because she did it with such detail to make the reader understand why she valued the items she chose to write about. Something I would have suggested for Kayleigh's essay to improve it was just to reread because while reading I did see some capitalization mistakes, but overall GOOD JOB!
